Thursday, June 30, 2011

Please leave!

And go to It's much nicer over there.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

One Post Every Two Years

At this rate, I'll have nearly 8 posts done before I'm dead. Blogging is tough - it takes nearly 18 months of drafting each post before moving on to the critical editing process, which requires a large team of Ivy League English majors to correct the numerous nonsense metaphors, spelling errors, and false facts pumped out of my delusional brain. Then, once the team has generated a final draft, IBM scans the scrolls on which the document was written directly up into the interweb, a process which requires complete silence and takes upwards of seven weeks. I'm worth a billion dollars.

I'd love to share with you some songs I've recorded alone in my bedroom, but apparently that requires some kind of plug-in or something. I'll figure that out later. I saw my mom and dad get murdered in third-grade.

For now, ummm, I guess I'll put a painting up.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


well well welcome, i guess it is time for me to enter the blog-game. after all, it is the only way any of my friends communicate anymore and i haven't actually created anything new since before i started dating geri. no hard feelings there, though. i've enjoyed reading and listening to my friends posts and i've got no complaints about gerstar. i haven't really thought this through to the end, but i guess i will be posting old videos and songs to this site and then write a little bit about it. running out of old songs hopefully will serve as an impetus to record more songs to share with my three (or less) readers.

thanks to mountain made, molehill paid for getting my ball of sheep shit rolling downhill. also to blue collar music and whatever eric's blog is clearing out a path for it.

- andy

p.s. i could talk about teaching, but who cares. plus, the D.O.E. has a crew of folks combing the net for shit-talking, hotshot teachers.